Hi everyone! my name is Azuhra Zahra Raintya. You can call me Azuhra. I was born in Bandung, on August 5th, 2001. I am 14 years old. I am the oldest child. I live here in Bandung, West Java. I live with my parents, my grandmother, and my sister.
I have a younger sister. Her name is Bilqis Vasha Raintya. Bilqis attends Banjarsari Elementary School now. She is a 3rd grader. Her hobbies are drawing and watching cartoon. She really loves Frozen movies. She loves eating candy and chocolate. My father's name is Indro Setyawan, my mother's name is Ajeng Ratih Puspawati, and my grandmother's name is Heni Syamsiyah. My grandfather has passed away 20 years ago.
I love my family so much!
Now, I am a student at SMAN 3 Bandung. I am in class X Science 5. I always wanted to be a SMAN 3 student when I was a junior high schooler. My previous school is SMPN 5 Bandung. And now my dream come true!. Now, in my class I have a lot of friends that make me so comfotable in class. I have best friend in my class. Her name is Maisie Chiara Salsabilla. She is from Cilegon. She is so close to me. Everyday, we spend our time together at school.
My favorite foods are Pempek and fried rice. My hobbies are drawing, listening to music, and watching korean drama. I have a lot of korean drama in my laptop. I always watching them when I have a free time. My idol is Kim Jong In from EXO. You can called him Kai. He is from korean boygroup, EXO. I like him since I was a Junior High School student. But, I am not a fanatic fans. I just like their songs and styles. I hope someday I can meet them, especially Kai.
If I graduated from Senior High School, I want to school in ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung) University.. And I hope in the future I can be a succesful woman that can make my family proud.
That's all from me. Thank you for reading.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
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